*Birth dates of characters came from Sumire. Credit goes to her!

Yugi Mutou

The only one to unlock the powers of the ancient Millennium Puzzle, Yugi is endowed with the spirit of an Egyptian pharaoh and is destined to save the world once more from the Shadow Games.

But before that, Yugi was just your average higher schooler with an erratic hair-style. Because of his size, he was often picked on at Domino High School and chose rather to stay in the corner by himself than to hang out with others.

Of course, all that changed when Yugi's Granfather Soloman gave him the Millennium Puzzle and sort of dared him to solve it. On the verge of completion of the mystical puzzle, Yugi made a wish...he hoped for friends that will stay with him no matter what. And it seems the puzzle came through for him, though not perceivably at first. Semi-delinquents Joey and Tristan decided to play a game called "Keep Away With the Millennium Puzzle", until at last Joey threw a piece of the puzzle into the river. But eventually, Joey returned the lost piece and he and Tristan became friends with Yugi.

Now, with the powers and spirit of the Millennium Puzzle, along with the aid of his friends, Yugi Mouto is on his way to becoming the #1 duelist, as well as locking away the chaotic Shadows as the pharaoh five thousand years ago had done.

Favorite Card: Dark Magician
Deck Type: Dark Magician/Dark
Birthday: June 4
Past life: None

Current Life: Student at Domino High School

Yami Yugi

Once the brave pharaoh that had sealed away the shadow games five millennia ago, Yami Yugi - or Yami, for short - now resides inside the Millennium Puzzle as a spirit and as Yugi's alter ego. Whenever trouble dawns, Yami takes over Yugi's body and challenges the protagonist to a game. If the person loses, then Yami Mind Crushes them, or in other words, obliterate their mind.

Later on in the series, Yami and Yugi can separate into two separate beings, forming the confident game king (Yami) and the naive and innocent child (Yugi). Also, both Yami and his host can mentally communicate with each other as well as returning to one body without the aid of the puzzle.

Favorite Card: Dark Magician
Deck Type: Dark Magician/Dark
Birthday: N/A
Past life: Pharaoh of Egypt

Current Life: Yugi's yami (darker side)

Joey Wheeler/Jounochi Katsuya

Yugi's best friend, Joey was previously part of a gang in Domino City. But he did change once he met up with Yugi and soon made his way from a rash, spontanious teen to a caring friend and an advanced dualist.

Joey has a little sister Serenity whom was going to go blind if an eye surgery wasn't performed soon. The only problem was that there wasn't enough money to pay for such a costly operation. So Joey, with the help of Yugi, entered the Duelist Kingdom Tournament and won the prize money to cover the cost.

Favorite Card: Flame Swordsman
Deck Type: Gamble/Beat-down
Birthday: Jan. 25

Past life: Pharaoh's friend

Current Life: Yugi's best friend

Tea Gardener/Anzu Masaki

Anzu is the voice of reason and encourages her friends all the way. Hoping to be a dancer, she worked at Burger World to save enough money to go study ballet in America. Unfortunately, Anzu was forced to quit when a thief attacked her, but then Yami came along and saved her. In fact, Anzu was saved many times by the gallant spirit, so it was no surprise that she had a crush on him. But in the end, she accepted innocent little Yugi and they became a couple.

Favorite Card: Magician of Faith
Deck Type: light/fairy (?)
Birthday: August 18

Past life: Pharaoh's friend

Current Life: Yugi's friend

Tristan Taylor/Honda Hiroto

Another of Yugi's friends, though not as close as the others, Tristan doesn't play a huge role in the show. Not much can be said about him, except that he's also a dualist (though probably not a good one), was previously a bulley, and has a crush on Miho (female student not shown in the dubbed version)

Favorite Card: Cyber Commander
Deck Type: Unknown (possibly beat-down)
Birthday: April 19

Past life: Pharaoh's friend

Current Life: Yugi's friend

Seto Kaiba

A muli-billionaire of KaibaCorp., Seto's real passions lie in Dual Monsters. After Yami handed him his first defeat, Seto made it his goal to defeat the game king once and for all. But that haven't happened yet...

In his childhood, Seto and his little brother Mokuba were tossed into the orphanage when their parents died. More than one family wanted to adopt Seto, being the brilliant boy-genius that he was, but Seto refused to leave without his sibling, saying that it was a package deal. Later on, a wealth CEO, Gozaboru came along and Seto challenged him to a game of chess - if he won, then the man would have to adopt both him and Mokuba. In the end, Seto won and entered a new life. Unfortunately, his froster father wasn't as nice as he seemed to be and had beatened Seto into the cold-hearted man he is today. Finally, Seto pushed Gozaboru out the office building and became CEO himself.

Now, in the present, Seto holds a grudge against Yugi for defeating him but nevertheless shows the boy some respect. The contrary could be said for Joey, whom Seto calls a "dog/puppy/mutt".

Favorite Card: Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Deck Type: BEWD
Birthday: October 25

Past life: High Priest of Ancient Egypt who sought to destory the Pharaoh

Current Life: Yugi/Yami's rival; CEO of KaibaCorp.

Mokuba Kaiba

You guessed it! It's Seto's little brother! Mokuba only sees the good side of Seto and sides with him on everything,'tis the reason why he despises Yugi so much as well. This hatred was lifted during Duelist Kingdom when Yugi and co. offered to help find the missing CEO and soon friendship bloomed.

Mokuba's pretty bright for a kid, though was captured several times by KaibaCorps. executives as hostage. It's unkown whether he duels, though he most likely knows how; Mokuba specializes in a game called "Bottle Cap Monsters".

Favorite Card: Unknown (Hinted in show, though not specified)
Deck Type: Unknown
Birthday: July 7

Past life: None

Current Life: Seto Kaiba's younger brother

Ryou Bakura

Another holder of one the seven magical Millennium Items, Ryou is givened the Millennium Ring by his archeological father. With a kind, sweet, and tranquil nature, Ryou is similar to Yugi, though he did attract a lot of girls when he first enrolled to Domino High. Ryou moved from England, away from his sister who died in a car accident, an older brother, and his parents (he does miss them). Strangly, Ryou died approximately twice in the "games" the spirit of his Millennium Ring got him into, but he was revived.

Favorite Card: Change of Heart
Deck Type: Fiend/Traps
Birthday: Sept. 2

Past life: None

Current Life: Student at Domino High School; Yugi's friend

Yami Bakura

Notice the similarities to Ryou? This is Yami Bakura, also refered to by most people as just Bakura. In his past life, Bakura was an Egyptain tomb robber that was sealed away into the Millennium Ring for five millennia. He has the ability to enlist monsters from the Shadow Realm, as well as opening the Shadow Realm. Also, Bakura can see into a person's soul through dual card reading (kind of like tarot cards). After Duelist Kingdom, he popped Pegasus' Millennium Eye out of its socket and kept it for himself. Goal: Gather all the Millennium Items and rule the world.

Favorite Card: Change of Heart
Deck Type: Fiend/Traps
Birthday: September 9

Past life: Tomb Robber

Current Life: Ryou's yami

Marik/Malik Ishtar

In the dubbed version, his name's Marik, but most fanfiction writers refer to him as Malik. Marik also possesses a Millenniums Item - the Millennium Rod. With it, he is able to control other people's mind and force them to do his biddings.

In the Japanese series, Marik took Joey under his under and made him duel Yugi in a life-or-death game. Yugi could have won, but he didn't want his friend to get hurt so he allowed Joey to defeat him. Just as Joey's monster delivered a tremendous blow that knocked Yugi unconscious and into the ocean, Joey escaped Marik's mind control. This shows that Marik's power isn't invincible.

When Marik was ten, his father carved the scrolls of the Pharaoh onto his back, for Marik was the eldest son of the Ishtar family and was obliged to carry out the tradition of guardian the pharaoh's tomb. Of course, he did exactly the opposite and sought to destory Yami because he presumed that the game king had killed his father.

Marik is also the leader of a group of Duel Monster thiefs called the "Rare Hunters", whose goal is to pretty much steal all the best DM (duel monster) cards. In addition to this, Marik holds one of the three legendary God Cards - the God of Ra.

Favorite Card: Unkown
Deck Type: Unkown
Birthday: December 23

Past life: Bakura's partner in crime (in Ancient Egypt)

Current Life: Leader of the "Rare Hunters"

Yami Marik/Malik

no preview available
Born from the hatred and vengence in Marik, Yami Marik was the creation that would change the teen's life forever. Not only did this darker form forcefully take over Marik's body, but he practically kicked him out! (Poor Marik! Imagine being thrown out of your own body!)

Favorite Card: Unkown
Deck Type: Unkown
Birthday: N/A

Past Life: Bakura's partner in crime (in Ancient Egypt)

Current Life: Marik's yami

Mai Valentine

She's as beautiful as she's dangerous! Mai was once an arrogant duelist who didn't trust in anyone but herself...that is, until she met Yugi and co. and learned what it's like to have friends. As time past, she let down her shield and revealed a kinder side. In fact, she even offered Yugi her extra star chips when he lost his to Seto, and when Joey lost his Duelist Kingdom qualification card, she gave him hers.

Mai lives her money off the prize money she wins from duels; also worked for Seto once as a tester for KaibaCorps. lastest virtual game.

Favorite Card: Harpy Lady
Deck Type: Fly (?)
Birthday: N/A
Past Life: Unknown
Current Life: One of the top duelists

Maximillion Pegasus/Pegasus J. Crawford

An English man who owns one of the largest industrial companies, Pegasus' true love, Cecelia, was struck down by a disease and sadly past away. This left Pegasus heartbroken, and he searched the corners of the world to find a way to bring her back. At last, his trip brought him to Egypt, where a mysterious person named Shaadi presented him with the powerful Millennium Eye, endowing him with the power to see the dead and read people's minds.
When Pegasus learned that whoever wields all seven Millennium Items will be granted power unimaginalbe. Soon, he formatted a plan to bring his dear Cecelia back: to utilize KaibaCorps. technology and gather all the Millennium Items. So Pegasus hosted the Duelist Kingdom Tournament to attract all the item-holders and also kidnapped Mokuba to control Kaiba's company (by KaibaCorps. law, only a Kaiba family member may control it). This explains why Pegasus was so wicked and deceitful.
In the end, Yami Bakura confiscated Pegasus' Millennium Eye and no one has seen him since.

Favorite Card: Delinquent/Toon World (?)
Deck Type: Toon
Birthday: Oct. 8
Past Life: Unknown
Current Life: CEO of Industrial Illusions

Soloman Mouto/Sugoroku Mutou

Yugi's grandfather, a kind, cheerful old man, though sometimes spontanious and slightly boastful. Not much can be said about him, except that he gave Yugi the Millennium Puzzle and was trapped in an ancient tomb on an archeological dig in Egypt once. Yes, Soloman's an archeology. Oh, and he lost to Seto who had forced him to play and gave Yugi his precious dueling deck.

Favorite Card: Unknown
Deck Type: Dark Magician/Dark
Birthday: Oct. 4
Past Life: Shimon or Simon (something close to that...manga verison); pharaoh's follower
Current Life: Owner of the Turtle Game Shop

Duke Delvin/Otogi Ryuuji

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Inventor of Dungeon Dice Monsters (DDM), a game with characters similar to Duel Monsters except there's an entire playing board and dice. Duke had previously allied with Industrial Illusions, whom promised to release DDM to the public. But after Pegasus' defeat at Duelist Kingdom, the deal seemed to be forgotten. Furious, Duke challenged Yugi - or rather, Yami - to DDM in hopes of taking revenge and proving that Yugi/Yami was a cheat. Poor Duke believed that no one could beat Pegasus and practically worshipped the man.

Not surprisingly, Yami won and Duke admitted defeat. He apologized for being such a jerk to Yugi and co. and built a friendly relationship with them. In the end, Duke received an e-mail from Industrial Illusions annoucing that DDM will be released.

Just a side comment: Duke probably a better duelist than Joey! Why? Well, he did beat Joey in a duel... (and then he made Joey be his slave for a week and wear a dog suite, but before that happened Yami won back Joey's freedom...but Joey still had to wear the dog suite. Hehehe...)

Favorite Card: Unknown
Deck Type: Unkown
Past Life: Unkown
Birthday: Feb. 28
Current Life: Owner of a major game store

Other birthdays:

March 1 -- Ryouta Kajiki (Dub name: Mako Tsunami)
April 1 -- Esper Roba 
April 5 -- Isis Ishtar (Dub name: Ishizu)
July 21 -- Inspector Haga (Dub name: Weevil Underwood)
August 12 -- Bandit Keith
December 29 -- Dinosaur Ryuuzaki (Dub name: Rex Raptor)